Sunday, 15 December 2013

Exercise: Point of sale display

For this exercise, i have to create a point of sale display to go above the fruits and vegetables in a local green grocers. It needs to be seen from the street, through the window to attract customers.
The shop is located near a bakers, newsagents and on route to a well respected primary school.
From this information, i can gather that my target audience will be parents with young children/ families. Mainly busy mums on the way to and from school. Maybe in a rush, quickly nipping to the bakers, or newsagents to pick up necessity for that evening dinner.

To attract my target audience, from afar, my display needs to be;
  • eye catching, 
  • easy to read/ understand from far away, 
  • Simple so all information can be absorbed by a busy mum in a rush.
I made a mind map of my audience and the things i felt my display would need to be / include to attract this audience.
 I then made a mind map of all the things that came to mind when thinking of fruit and vegetables to help get possible ideas and inspiration for creating my displays.
I search on the internet for point of sale displays to see what other people had done, and to get some inspiration, however i could not find any, and so instead i looked at various different advert for fruit and vegetables to get an idea of what people had done to make fruit and veg look atrractive, appealing and engaging towards the audience.

Very simplistic and sophisticated. Featuring a lot of text, perhaps too much for a point of sale display. Key words: Fresh, exclusive.

Very colourful. A statement in bold telling you to eat more fruit. Advertising fruit for good health..

The only display i did manage to find however this featured no text what so ever.

This is my favourite advert i came across. Very simple, very colourful, very comical and eye catching.
I want to attract my audience by promoting fruit and vegetables as part of a healthy lifestyle.
Parents are always trying to get their children to eat more vegetables and mothers trying to shift post baby weight. Women as a whole are generally concern with their weight, and so this may be something to play on.
I want my displays to be very bright and bold as so to attract attention from a far. And perhaps be slightly comical so it will stick in your mind, the viewer will remember the display and possibly due to the slight comical aspect more engaging to children who might nag their parents to go inside the store.

Another important aspect of the display is the text. I don't want to include too much text so it can all be read from far away and viewers on the move looking through the window will be able to read most if not all of the text and take in the whole display.
Possible wording ideas:
Healthy living at its best
Don't wish it, be it. Eat right
Fresh all year round
Health and vitality
Love your body love your food.
Make your tummy smile.

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