Sunday, 13 October 2013
Exercise: Working to a brief
Brief 1:
What are you being asked to do?
For this brief, I am being asked to design the packing for a new Quaker’s oats product ‘Chilled Creamy Oats’ The client wants the design to target busy, young women who want to eat healthy. Attention is to be drawn to their natural goodness and delicious taste.
How will the client judge a successful outcome to the brief?
The client will be able to judge it successful if the product is more attractive you young, busy, working women and promotes healthy eating.
Keywords: Natural, tasty, healthy, busy, young women.
Brief 2
What are you being asked to do?
Produce a graphic design of a metaphorical journey based on connections.
Possible connections to use: people, events, philosphies, objects, movements
Define my own market and suggest how I will target it.
How will the client judge a successful outcome to the brief?
My client will judge my outcome successful by the amount and quality of research I have carried out, they are looking for something inventive and different. The more unique my ideas and the more outside of the box I can think the better.
The outcome can also be judged by the audience I decide to target, and how well my product targets and engages them.
Keywords: Journey, Connectedness, imagination, juxtaposition
Other questions I would ask the client:
Where the design will be displayed, What size it should be, and what medium
Brief 3
What are you being asked to do?
For this brief, I am being asked to raise awareness of the risks of underage drinking for the department for children, families and schools targeting 13- 16 year olds showing the negative effects of drinking but also urging parents to talk to their children about drink
Design should use campaign identity ‘why let drink decide?’
How will the client judge a successful outcome to the brief?
The outcome to brief will be judged a success if it meets the informative needs of the campaign .
The department will be represented well and the campaign in the way desired.
The outcome will be successful if it is eye catching to teenagers, and uses language / a tone they will be able to understand and relate to.
Keywords: Alcohol, vunerable, teenagers, happy healthy
Additional questions: how/where the design will be displayed, will it be distributed in schools?
If i had to chose one of the briefs to work on, i would chose brief 3, as it is quite exact with what it wants, the points are very clear, but it is also open to my interpretation and idea providing it sticks to the scheme. They also want the design to be quite creative with allows me more room to do what i wish with the idea.
This brief would test my creativity and skills in how i attract a younger audience with a very serious message that needs to be put across.
Thursday, 10 October 2013
Assignment 1
Today i began to think about my first assignment, making 3 postcards that portray me, my interest in graphics and my wider cultural interests.
I made a couple of rough scribbles on paper of pictures of how i might draw me and my interests if i was asked. I then tried to think in more detail what about me it was that i wanted to get across, what my main interests and characteristics were and how I'd show that.
I'm quite a colourful, playful person and so would like my postcards to be quite bright and fun and since i am female, i would like at least one to be quite girly.
I am an animal lover and quite the pug enthusiast, when people think of me, they think of pugs and so i think it is important to include a pug in there somewhere.
I am very interested in music, particularly punk and the cultural aspect that it has; piercings, tattoos, fashion, political movements etc and would like to portray that in my postcards.
I will now research artwork from my favourite time periods/ artists as i would like this influence to portray my interest in graphic design.
I will then begin to piece together designs for my postcards.
I searched for artsitic/ graphical topics that interested that i might want to base my postcards around such as; post modern, revoutionary propaganda, kitsch, punk.
I like that these pictures are very unusual, i like how they are collages of pictures, or words, in the case of the image on the right, creating a picture in itself.

Ina lot fo the propaganda images i have seen, a lot of the faces are in portrait often two tonal or with unrealistic/ bright colours i very much like this aspect. Short statements are often a feature of these pictures in very bold text.
I like how in this, perhaps one of the most well known punk images, the features are blocked out writing. The portrait is in a way, censored.
This image is quite fun and colourful, a fun take on a diagram. it looks quite playful and quite punk which are all aspects that i enjoy.
It has also occured to me, that to represent me, my postcard doesn't necessarily have to involve a portrait of me but could be a drawing or object that represents me and my interests .
I made a couple of rough scribbles on paper of pictures of how i might draw me and my interests if i was asked. I then tried to think in more detail what about me it was that i wanted to get across, what my main interests and characteristics were and how I'd show that.
I'm quite a colourful, playful person and so would like my postcards to be quite bright and fun and since i am female, i would like at least one to be quite girly.
I am an animal lover and quite the pug enthusiast, when people think of me, they think of pugs and so i think it is important to include a pug in there somewhere.
I am very interested in music, particularly punk and the cultural aspect that it has; piercings, tattoos, fashion, political movements etc and would like to portray that in my postcards.
I will now research artwork from my favourite time periods/ artists as i would like this influence to portray my interest in graphic design.
I will then begin to piece together designs for my postcards.
I searched for artsitic/ graphical topics that interested that i might want to base my postcards around such as; post modern, revoutionary propaganda, kitsch, punk.
I like that these pictures are very unusual, i like how they are collages of pictures, or words, in the case of the image on the right, creating a picture in itself.
Ina lot fo the propaganda images i have seen, a lot of the faces are in portrait often two tonal or with unrealistic/ bright colours i very much like this aspect. Short statements are often a feature of these pictures in very bold text.
I like how in this, perhaps one of the most well known punk images, the features are blocked out writing. The portrait is in a way, censored.
This image is quite fun and colourful, a fun take on a diagram. it looks quite playful and quite punk which are all aspects that i enjoy.
It has also occured to me, that to represent me, my postcard doesn't necessarily have to involve a portrait of me but could be a drawing or object that represents me and my interests .
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